The Power of Connectivity
At WWD’s inaugural Influencer Summit, more than 170 senior level social media executives and established influencers in the fashion, beauty and retail space came together for a unique networking opportunity. Featuring a mix of presentations, moderated conversations, and networking sessions, both parties walked away with ample connections and a stronger grasp on the influencer market.
11.30 am – 12.45pm // Welcome Lunch and Networking
12.45pm – 2.50pm // Speaker Session 1
2.50 pm – 3.30pm // Networking Break
3.30 pm – 6pm // Speaker Session 2
6pm // Happy Hour
*Agenda subject to change
Event Has Passed
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Who Is Speaking?
Besidone Amoruwa Instagram @besidone
Anine Bing Anine Bing @aninebing
Kristie Dash Instagram @kristiedash
Katie Brennan Derr Fresh @Freshbeauty
Lizzy Eisenberg Afterpay @gidgie
Emilie Fife Instagram @emilie
Amanda Fraga Live Nation @livenation
Yosef Martin Boxycharm @yosefmartin
Annika Meller Anine Bing @annika_meller
Carole Radziwill Radzi Media Inc. @caroleradziwill
WATCH WHAT HAPPENS LIVE WITH ANDY COHEN — Pictured: Carole Radziwill — (Photo by: Charles Sykes/Bravo/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images)
Melanie Rodriguez Octoly @Octoly
Idalia Salsamendi Idalia Salsamandi Inc @idaliasalsamendi
Katie Sturino Megababe @katiesturino
Shiona Turini Shiona Turini @shionat
Alexandra Wilkis Wilson Allergan @awilkiswilson