お知らせ 2月25日付
3月4日(水)に、パレスホテル東京にて開催を予定しておりました、第3回「Retail 20/20 Forum Tokyo」につきまして、新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)感染症が拡大している状況を受け、感染拡大の防止と、参加者および関係者の健康・安全を第一に考慮し、慎重に協議した結果、本イベントを延期させていただくことを決定いたしました。開催間際のご案内となりましたことを深くお詫び申し上げます。今後の予定につきましては未定ですが、決まり次第お知らせ致します。
Update as of Feb. 25, 2020
We regret to inform you that, due to the growing coronavirus epidemic in Japan and worldwide, the decision has been made to postpone the Tokyo forum scheduled for March 4th.
This decision was made after close consultation with our local partner, LUMINE. While we apologize for any disruption this decision may cause to your plans, postponement of the forum seemed the prudent course given the uncertainty surrounding the virus and conditions in Japan and elsewhere.
We greatly appreciate your patience during this time, and your ongoing support of WWD. We hope to be in touch about a new date for the forum, and hope that all of you will be able to participate at that time when conditions permit.
Event Has Passed
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Who Is Speaking?
青木 淳 株式会社資生堂
Romain Gaillard The Detox Market
Tal Zvi Nathanel SHOWFIELDS
Heron Preston Heron Preston
James Reinhart thredUP
Rob Smith The Phluid Project
Mark Walker Outerknown
Sean Wong Hypebeast
山井梨沙 株式会社スノーピーク